Country as a Client

We all love to whinge about suburban sprawl. It’s such an easy scapegoat when we’re looking around for things to point our sustainable criticism finger at. But new urban development, particularly in growing regional centres like Albury-Wodonga is an inevitability that we can’t change. And, great outcomes are possible. For these reasons, I was glad to be invited to present at the recent Growing Thurgoona Wirlinga Industry Session.

Keeping Country in mind

One of the key questions I was asked to answer was about caring for (and healing) Country, and connecting with Country. See my response in the video snippet below.

What a Cooee solution would look like

This very short presentation looks at key points I wanted to share with the industry audience on what’s possible with good design.

For more information on the Thurgoona Wirlinga plan:

For more information on ‘Jenny’s House’ by Light House Architecture and Science:


Beat The Heat; 6 Cool Cost-Effective Tips


Energy, Bushfire and Budget: Where are the overlapping wins?